
    God's message to all of His children and especially to students of His Word:

    "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." ~ II Timothy 2:15

    You cannot properly serve God if you do not properly know Him and His Word. ~ Dr. VBK

General Announcements

Check & Purge Complete [Sept. 2024] -- CHECK/UPDATE YOUR STATUS NOW

by SLBC Moodle AdminB -


The monthly Activity Status "Check & Purge" has been completed, CHECK AND UPDATE YOUR STATUS IMMEDIATELY!!

If your account has been marked as "Idle" or "Pending Removal" we urge you to change it back to "Active" as soon as you log in!!

If you are inactive for more than 30 days, your account will be marked as "Idle", and you will have less than 60 days to update your account.

If your account is inactive for 90 days or more, your account will be marked for removal, and will be permanently removed from the system. Any work you have done will then be deleted, and you will have to start completely over, should you decide to come back and study with us.

If you expect to be away for more than 2 months (60 days) and do not want your account to be removed, you MUST contact us and request an "Extended Absence" status. You may not change your activity status yourself, except to update it back to "Active."


To check your Activity Status:

NAVIGATION > My Profile > View Profile    .

Look for: "Activity Status"

To edit/update Activity Status:

SETTINGS > My Profile Settings > Edit Profile

Change "Activity Status" to: Active


The next Check & Purge is scheduled for the first week of October 2024

The website will be in "Maintenance Mode" for that day, and you will not be able to access your coursework.


~Rebecca M~
SLBC Moodle Admin & Webmaster

Check & Purge Complete -- CHECK/UPDATE YOUR STATUS NOW

by SLBC Moodle AdminB -


The monthly Activity Status "Check & Purge" has been completed, CHECK AND UPDATE YOUR STATUS IMMEDIATELY!!

If your account has been marked as "Idle" or "Pending Removal" we urge you to change it back to "Active" as soon as you log in!!

If you are inactive for more than 30 days, your account will be marked as "Idle", and you will have less than 60 days to update your account.

If your account is inactive for 90 days or more, your account will be marked for removal, and will be permanently removed from the system. Any work you have done will then be deleted, and you will have to start completely over, should you decide to come back and study with us.

If you expect to be away for more than 2 months (60 days) and do not want your account to be removed, you MUST contact us and request an "Extended Absence" status. You may not change your activity status yourself, except to update it back to "Active."


To check your Activity Status:

NAVIGATION > My Profile > View Profile   .

Look for: "Activity Status"

To edit/update Activity Status:

SETTINGS > My Profile Settings > Edit Profile

Change "Activity Status" to: Active


The next Check & Purge is scheduled for: the FIRST WEEK of September
The website will be in "Maintenance Mode" for that time, and you will not be able to access your coursework.


~Rebecca Moore 
~SLBC Moodle Admin/Webmaster  ~2024/08/07

Second Level Credits Forms Revamped -- Please Resubmit

by SLBC Moodle AdminB -

Hello Students!


This is to let you know that I have revamped the Second Level Credits forms in Course Codes & Credits. If you have completed any Second Level courses, please go and resubmit the respective forms those courses belong to as soon as you are able.


Thank you,

~Rebecca Moore 
SLBC Moodle Admin/Webmaster

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