This course will give you an understanding of the history of the Baptists. In this course you will gain an understanding of them as the only group extant today that never associated with Rome (meaning the Roman Catholic Church) and, because of their refusal to bow to the Catholic dictatorship, you will see their story written in fire and blood exactly as it stained the pages of religious and secular history.
Prerequisites: Required Textbooks: (Provided in the Course) Minimum Attendance PER LESSON Minimum Attendance for COURSECOURSE DETAILS (Prerequisites, Credits, etc.) SHOW/HIDE
Credits: 1
This course will give you an understanding of the history of the Church. You will study its beginnings, who started it, when it was started, what is it, where did it come from, and its history from its inception down to today.
Prerequisites: Required Textbooks: (Provided in the Course) Minimum Attendance PER LESSON Minimum Attendance for COURSECOURSE DETAILS (Prerequisites, Credits, etc.) SHOW/HIDE
Credits: 1.5
In this course you will study the book of Hebrews. After a brief introduction addressing the historical arguments concerning date, authorship, to whom was it written, and canonicity, we will go on to examine the book and its teachings and comparisons concerning the New Covenant under Christ and the Old Covenant under the Mosaic Law.
Prerequisites: Required Textbooks: (Provided in the Course) Minimum Attendance PER LESSON Minimum Attendance for COURSECOURSE DETAILS (Prerequisites, Credits, etc.) SHOW/HIDE
Credits: 1.5
In this course you will study practical and scholarly methods for teaching that have been used for decades.
Prerequisites: Required Textbooks: (Provided in the Course) Minimum Attendance PER LESSON Minimum Attendance for COURSECOURSE DETAILS (Prerequisites, Credits, etc.) SHOW/HIDE
Credits: 1.5
In this course you will study what God says about the Pastor. Who, why, how, his qualifications, his family, etc., are some of the subjects that will be studied. This is a class from pastors to pastors about pastors as taught by the Lord in His Bible.
Prerequisites: Required Textbooks: (Provided in the Course) Minimum Attendance PER LESSON Minimum Attendance for COURSECOURSE DETAILS (Prerequisites, Credits, etc.) SHOW/HIDE
Credits: 2
In this course you will learn the basics of oral communication. You will sharpen your skills by using the methods learned in this class while speaking before groups as well as exercising your one on one communication techniques in regular conversation.
Prerequisites: Required Textbooks: (Provided in the Course) Minimum Attendance PER LESSON Minimum Attendance for COURSECOURSE DETAILS (Prerequisites, Credits, etc.) SHOW/HIDE
Credits: 1.5
- Submission Grader: SLBC Moodle AdminB
A study of the battles behind life's battles; and biblical instruction in (1) the only sure way to victory and (2) God's promise of that victory and (3) His way to accomplish that victory.
This course counts as a Counseling course, and is strongly recommended that you take it before taking any counselling courses.
Prerequisites: Required Textbooks: (Provided in the Course) Minimum Attendance PER LESSON Minimum Attendance for COURSECOURSE DETAILS (Prerequisites, Credits, etc.) SHOW/HIDE
Credits: 2